UPDATE – 07/31/2024: Venues and dates added.
Please note that while dates for our courses have been posted, courses have not yet been opened for enrollment. Once registration for our courses has been opened, this page will provide information and a link to our registration page.
Dates and locations are tentative and subject to change.
Please monitor our website for further updates.
Looking for Pesticide License Credits?
We have in-person, internet and webinar courses for you!
Pre-License Training
Recertification Training
Internet Pre-License Training
Internet Recertification Training
Sí busca más información sobre los cursos de internet en español para la licencia de aplicación de pesticidas:
Puede encontrar más información aquí
WSU Pesticide Resources and Education Program
Education with an emphasis on personal safety, environmental protection, and effective integrated pest management
WSDA Pesticide License Credit Information
Find out how many recertification credits you have.
Washington Poison Center
National Hotline: 1-800-222-1222
Pesticide Resources and Education | PO Box 645912 | Pullman, WA 99164-5912 | 509-335-2830 | pest@wsu.edu
Course Calendar Register for Courses Study Materials
Internet Course Help
IPM Videos
- Plant Problem Diagnosis
- European Chafer
- Pruning as an IPM Tool
- Landscape Maintenance: Healthy Plants While Minimizing Pesticides
- Protecting Pollinators
Ag Worker Protection Resources
Pollinator Protection Resources